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2007-06-21 09:53 #
船副的工作很繁雜尤其是三副大部分的工作只能在下班時間做您如何利用時間完成分內的工作呢? 您有沒有特別的技巧可以輕鬆完成工作呢? 一起聊聊好嗎?
2007-06-19 16:40 #
2007-06-19 17:48 #
報關單、或是一些部署表等簡易的工作...等等可以利用碼頭當班或是錨泊當班時作... 等到下了班,就可去作"現場的工作"... 例如 滅火器的檢查表簽名...之類的... 通常在船上... 接近月底都會很忙... 一堆帳目、表單的結算... 反正作久就習慣了...只是很煩... 總之....在船上 ~ 善用時間的分配是很重要的
2007-06-20 08:30 #
近年來有一種當值方式介紹 0-6 = 2/O 2/E 6-8 = C/O 1/E 8-10 = 2/O 2/E 10-12 = 3/O 3/E 12-18 = C/O 1/E 18-24 = 3/O 3/E 最大的好處是讓 2/O 或2/E在十個鐘頭內將八個鐘頭的班當完, 有十四個小時之休息而且避開船或船期最愛靠港的早上 2/O 或2/E需要休息的時段
2007-06-20 09:36 #
scorpiip 寫道: 近年來有一種當值方式介紹 0-6 = 2/O 2/E 6-8 = C/O 1/E 8-10 = 2/O 2/E 10-12 = 3/O 3/E 12-18 = C/O 1/E 18-24 = 3/O 3/E 最大的好處是讓 2/O 或2/E在十個鐘頭內將八個鐘頭的班當完, 有十四個小時之休息而且避開船或船期最愛靠港的早上 2/O 或2/E需要休息的時段
1.其中每個人都有當6小時航行班的機會,若是跑大船,船速快;沿岸航行,船多。能見度要是不好的話....anyway,個人是覺得6各小時對於在繁忙水域當班來說,負擔大了一點。 2.若是要實施這種制度,進出港慘的是3/O;C/O早上8點下班之後,要看櫃子、巡甲板,做報表..忙完剛好12點繼續當班,這樣工作品質會比較好嗎?(總不能晚上6點再去巡甲板吧?何況BOSUN甲板工作有時遇到困難需要協調、支援,也需要大副幫忙啊)
2007-06-20 13:40 #
這個制度是針對休息制定的三副班的休息可從00-10 及整個下午不可謂不長大副班的休息可從18-00-08 至於當班外職務內之工作有幾個方式可以解決 1. 必須在班內解決者可請船長代班或代為解決 2. 或者在下班後進行 當班六個鐘頭者, 其他職業中比比皆是譬如護士大夜班會長到九個鐘頭或是7-11等等所以六個鐘頭的航行當值並非不能做到 至於會不會三副比較吃虧船長應該全面衡量
2007-06-20 14:03 #
至於三副之工作有幾個重點: 一. 檢查部分, 找空閒時間作, 畢竟也只有滅火系統, 救生艇需要離開駕駛台(信號及通信部分在駕駛台)而且作熟了不花多少時間二. 要保養部分(比如泡沫槍加油, 換艇內淡水, 打Mark, 氧氣筒重灌, 收拾皮龍等): 必要時找大副派工支援, 如果不願接受別人憐憫, 自己做也沒什麼, 因為那都是幾個月才要做一次的事三. 訓練演習等之計劃部分或文件部分, 或可在駕駛台參考資料, 完成構想, 下班打電腦. 四. 報關部分, 一樣在駕駛台先利用電話找好資料吃飯時間聯絡一切齊全後打入制式(或自行編列)之格式中部會浪費時間
2007-06-20 14:21 #
您所說的小弟都同意小蒂所指的是航行當班6個小時 人的注意力是否能持續6小時而不累??? 尤其是在繁忙水域,一刻也不得閒的時候又該如何?船上人員貨物的安全完全操之在當值船副手上,一個疏忽,可能會造成不可彌補的後果。當然叫船長上駕駛台是遇到緊急狀況的必要措施,但是要是在人的注意力減弱的情況下,是否能及時的發現危險而找人幫忙或是自行解決危機呢?
2007-06-20 18:33 #
原文如附, 來自於Alert季刊是否執行請自行斟酌 Fatigue and an alternative watch system Capt Robert Sheen, FNI Vice President, Operations Ocean Shipholdings, Inc Fatigue is one of the most significant causes of accidents at sea. Mariners can become fatigued through 'traditional' means, such as lack of sleep, insufficient rest time between work periods or experiencing poor quality of rest. However, they may also become fatigued through excessive work loads, monotonous tasking, excessive noise or vibration as well as ingesting certain types of nutrients and chemicals. The question then becomes how to mitigate fatigue. In the case of my company, in 1998, we decided to institute an Alternative Watch System in our five 32,500 DWT product tankers. This scheme was based on one that had been developed by the West German Ministry for Technology and Research, for the operation of single person bridges. The Alternate Watch System comprises of a series of 2 hour and 6 hour watches. Each person stands one 2 hour watch and one 6 hour watch each day. For example, on a '3 Mate' ship, the Second Mate stands watch from 0001 to 0600 and again from 0800 to 1000 and is off, barring any other onboard operations or overtime work, until 0001 the next day. The Chief Mate stands 0600 to 0800 and 1200 to 1800, and is off until 0600 the next day, while the Third Mate stands 1000 to 1200 and 1800 to 2400 and is off until 1000 the following day. This scheme allows onboard personnel to work 4 hours overtime each day, while fully complying with the requirements of STCW and the American Oil Pollution Act of 1990. It also allows each person to have enough time off to rest, conduct personal business, etc. Initially, there was some hesitation, especially from older officers, to start standing these types of watches. This was due, in large part, to the 6-hour watch segment. However, once these individuals actually experienced the benefits of the long, uninterrupted rest period, they quickly adapted to the new system. The system has been entirely voluntary on the part of the ships' crews. We do not mandate that they work to the Alternate Watch System; however, not one ship has changed back to the traditional 4-on-8- off system. We have found that the vessel crews fully support the Alternative Watch System and that they report being better rested, have a more 'normal' work experience, and feel that they have enough time off to accomplish their personal tasks without compromising their rest. It has worked extraordinarily well, and has gone a long way to improving the quality of life onboard our vessels.
2007-06-21 09:53 #