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[分享]2005-2006年第一季東京備忘錄Tokyo MOU之PSC重點缺失

2006-06-14 21:08 #
2005年1月至2006年3月港口國管制(PSC)檢查缺失資料(大部份為Tokyo-MOU者), 經統計60艘(2005年47艘,2006年13艘)共有缺點708項(2005年586項,2006年122項)。 (二) 將缺失分為15類(防止油污染、防止垃圾污染、船體結構/穩度/相關設備、機器、電氣、消防設施、救生裝備、無線通訊、航行安全、海事保全措施、ISM相關、 避碰規則、載重線規定、ILO規定、STCW規定) (三) 其中缺失較多之前7類(佔所有缺失的83%(589項)為:消防設施(23%)、救生裝備(16%)、航行安全(14%)、載重線規定(8%)、ISM規定(8%)、穩度/結構/相關設備(7%)、MARPOL 附錄I防止油污染規定(7%)等,將列入重點分析。 (四) 另下列2 項亦一併列入分析:防止垃圾污染(涉及環境保護話題):海事保全措施(為新穎要求)。註:ISM規定為明(2007)年PSC重點檢查活動項目。 二、檢查缺失重點分析(劃底線之項目表示發生多次之缺失) (一) 消防設施 1. 燃油快關閥(Quick close device)失效,如: Quick closing valve of D.O. service tank found held in open position by a wood 2. 機艙雙層底油艙測深管自關閥(self-closing valve)失效 Self closing device for sounding pipe of D.B.F.O tank in engine room broken 3. 高壓燃油雙層管路系統不存在或故障,如: Two generators(each 400kw)HP fuel pipe not fitted with jacket and drain pipes (註:本系統應有雙層管壁、漏油收集及漏油警報。1998/7/1之前建造者之豁免條件為:375kW以下,且有合適圍蔽,且燃油泵連至2個以上噴嘴) 4. 機艙內積油 (主要在Tank tops, under M/E & G/E, Purifier』s RM) 5. 絕緣(insulating)失效 (如主機排氣管、逃生道隔熱材) (註:預防或局限火災用) 6. 關閉設施失效 (通風筒/煙囪封閉失效、自動關閉門扉開啟) (註:預防或局限火災用) 7. 火災偵測器失效 8. 消防衣裝備(Fire fighter』s outfits)失效(處所無應急燈、空氣瓶失效),如: Fireman outfit B.A. air pressure is not sufficient 9. 消防水隔離閥(Fire main isolating valve)失效 10. 應急消防泵(Emergency fire pump)失效(故障、水壓不足),如: Emergency fire pump -unable to be used, low pressure 11. 消防水管路漏水(水龍頭、皮龍) 12. 油漆間消防水管路閥未標示 Sea water valve for paint locker sprinkler system not provided with identification marking 13. 消防箱缺配件 (註:應有皮龍、噴嘴、扳手) 14. 應急逃離呼吸器(EEBD)無空氣或壓力低,如: One EEBD inside engine control room air pressure found fallen outside/below manufactures recommended limit 15. 火災控制圖(Fire control plan)不完整 (二) 救生裝備 1. 救生衣(Life jacket)配件不全(如燈失效): Most of the life jacket light batteries found expired 2. 浸水衣(Immersion suit)失效 (如破裂失效): 4 immersion suits broken/holed 3. 救生圈(Life buoy)失效(如本體破裂、所附燈或煙信號失效): Smoke signal of man overboard buoy (P&S) found to be inappropriate type(last for 3 minutes only). (註:應為15min ,救生艇之浮煙信號則為3min) 4. 救生筏(Life raft)失效(如筏體被縛、艏索未繫於弱環、水壓釋放器過期): P&S life raft painter found not properly secured to weak link Port life raft hydro static release found expired 5. 救生艇(Life boat)失效(如無法下水、配備不全、機器故障、缺機器操作說明、艇艏索未備便、鋼纜品質、釋放鉤失效、應急燈無法轉出) (1) Painters of lifeboat - secured with shackles, not ready for immediate release (2) SB lifeboat fire extinguisher missing (3) Emergency lighting for both side life boat -- Not turned on 6. 登艇梯(Embarkation ladder)情況不佳 7. 12支遇險降落傘信號(Rocket parachute flare)不存在 8. 救生筏登載人數與SE證書不符 9. 佈署表(Muster list)過時 10. 救生裝備存放處無標誌 11. 使用說明處無應急燈(Emergency light) (三) 航行安全 1. 海圖或航海圖書過時,如: (1) IAMSAR manual Vol. III outdated(2002) (2) Notice to mariners not up to dated 2. 航程計畫(Voyage plan)未依規定(如無評估、使用過時海圖) 3. 航儀失效 (如磁羅經氣泡、電羅經誤差、測深儀失效、AIS資料未更新): (1) Main magnetic compass (air bubbles) (2) Error of gyro-compass -- more than 10° 4. 領港梯未依IMO規定(如 第5階應有spreader) Pilot ladder found not i. a. w .IMO guidelines–5th step no spreader (四) 載重線規定 1. 標示不清 (如:Port side plimsoll mark not painted properly ) 2. 貨艙艙?Hatch cover)或圍緣(Coaming)破裂或無法緊密 One hatch coaming drain device iwo no.1-2 hold(P) found lost 3. 風雨密門扉無法緊密 (如Accommodation watertight door on both side of the main deck not watertight 4. 通風筒(Air vent)、空氣管(Air pipe)、測深管(Sounding pipe)破裂 或無法緊密 5. 欄杆斷裂,如: A panel of shipside railing at port side forward found defective (五) 船體結構/穩度/相關設備 1. 穩度資料計算錯誤,如: Stability calculate on board found calculation error 2. 結構破裂,如: (1) Slope plate, T BHD, deck – holed and/or corroded seriously (2) No.1 cargo hold entrance deck holed and frame heavy corrosion (3) Chain locker room full of water inside and bulkhead heavy corrosion 3. 相關設備:警報失效,管路閥失效 (1)Emergency bilge suction valve cannot be opened . (2)Bilge system out of function. (六) 防止油污染 1. 證書(Certificate):內容不正確 (1) Form A of IOPP certificate found with the following defects: (a)GRT incited not corresponding to ITC (b)The capacity of the incinerator not filled in (2) Waste oil tank not included in IOPP Cert. 2. 船上油污染應急計畫(SOPEP),不存在或內容不全,如: (1) SOPEP missing (2) Annex 2 contact list not updated (3) SOPEP not approved by classification society 3. 油料紀錄簿(Oil Record Book):未依規定,如 (1) C.11.1 not recorded weekly (註:C項為殘油之處理) (2) Oil record book - Not recorded well (Part D) (註:D項為水之處理) (3) Improper entry for oil record book(duty officers sign, sludge retention) (4) Oil record book reviewed there is a waste oil serv. TK for holding oil, however, not such tank in IOPP certificate 4. 油濾設備(oil filtering equipment)故障、管路不符合規定,如: (1) oil filtering equipment unable to be working (2) Discharge from oily water separator greater than 15 ppm (3) Automatic stopping device of OFE - not working (4) 15 p.p.m oil separate no alarm (5) Blind of the test cock for discharge of line of oily water separator (6) Oily water separator oily dirty inside discharge pipe into the sea 5. 非法移用為水艙,如: Aft side of fresh water tank(P) used with bilge tank -- Not approved by CCRS class according to IOPP certificate 6. 非法使用排外管路,如: Illegal direct overboard flexible(non-collapsible) hose found 7. 焚化爐故障,如: The incinerator - out of working 8. 攔油緣圍無弁遄A如: Save all bottom plug found not in position(three save-all) 9. 甲板油跡,如: (1) No.2 crane post full of oil inside (2) Surface on upper deck general was greasy (七) 防止垃圾污染 1. 垃圾紀錄簿(Garbage record book):紀錄不符要求,或未記錄,如: Garbage record book not properly entered (e.g. 2/Dec/2005 not made record, 8/Dec/2005 not kept in receipt) 2. 垃圾管理計畫:不存在或未經認可 3. 垃圾未適當收集: Garbage - Not collected properly(food wastes) (八) ISM 未落實,如 1. 證書及文件未簽證或不全 (1) Intermediate verification - not be endorsed in S.M.C. cert (2) 4th annual verification - not be endorsed in D.O.C. cert. (3) No evidences of master's review, internal audit on board (4) C/E hand over report not on board (5) Non-conformity report -- never be entered (6) Audit report for external audit carried out by CCRS in 3.2004 not found on board (7) Obsolete document found not removed & officers could not identified the new documents i.e. SOPEP dated 30.11.1994 & other SOPEP dated 22.7.03 (8) No procedure related MARPOL VI in the ship's SMS(Bunkering, shipboard incineration, etc.) (註:依Panama Circulars NO.140:MARPOL Annex VI 之冷媒、滅火系統、焚化爐及加油等涉及SMS者,應修正SMS。 ) 2. 安全措施未落實: (9) No safety net found on gangway, some steps of gangway on defective (10) Hawse pipe opening on deck found not covered while anchor lowered (11) Protection gear for crew found not placed in battery locker for readily use i.e. glove plastic 3. 職責熟悉度及演練之缺失,如: (12) Master's responsibility and authority - master unable to show proof of this overriding authority on board pertaining to safety of life and matters of environment (13) Emergency preparedness - ineffective training and familiarization program as evidence that crew lack of familiarization with self-contained breathing apparatus for fireman's outfit (14) crew members - Not enough operated with emergency steering gear (15) Crew members - Not familiar with fire fighting equipment (16) SB lifeboat launching overdue.(10/12/2004) (17) Emergency steering gear drill overdue (last drill 18.10.2005) 4. 保養之缺失,如: (18) Maintenance of marine oil pollution prevention system, life saving appliances and co2 fixed fire extinguishing system -- Not carried out correctly (19) Ship's officer's not familiar with shipboard maintenance (20) LSA not be kept maintained and inspected at appropriate intervals (21) Without weekly and monthly maintenance plan and record (22) Various inspection label on portable fire-fitting extinguish not updated (九) 海事保全措施(ISPS) 未落實,如: 1. Last port security level no record 2. Many doors for restricted area left open and unattended 3. Original continuous synopsis record (CSR)- unavailable on board 4. There is no IMO number in engine room 5. Control of access to ship - no checking/ verification of identities of visitors seeking to ship