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〔請教〕FELCOM 16 & SSAS ?

Patrick Star
2010-07-02 12:02 #
    以前放洋時會拿本說明書在駕駛台玻璃窗邊翻翻,   翻到一本FURUNO的一套系統,叫FELCOM 16,看說明書與船廠Finished Plan目錄中都有透露他屬INM-C通訊型態。除安裝操作,其它沒多說明。   白天遇錨泊值錨更時,到駕駛台樓上透透氣也會看到滿船儘是JRC的天線群中,有著那麼一顆字體顯眼的FURUNO天線,但又很好奇 為何船上已經有一顆像飛彈頭一樣的JRC INMARSAT-C 天線,還需另外裝一顆像核彈頭的FURUNO INM-C天線?              [img]https://marinefans.org/modules/xcgal/albums/userpics/%A2%D8%A2%E0%A2%D1%A1%40%A2%D7%A2%DC%A2%DB-%A2%D1%A1%40ANTENNA%28VOID%29.JPG[/img]                     我是被換下來的JRC INM-C飛彈頭       曾有一晚,老大如往常一樣上來泡茶兼收發那如雪花般多的電報,到前面來進行「摸黑聊天」之際,順道求教船老大那一套系統的功用,他一開始用很質疑的口氣對我「訓問」說: 0unlike like 0
2010-06-29 23:51 #
法規如下 SOLAS Resolution XI-2/6 The SOLAS Resolution XI-2/6 states that vessels above 500 GT must carry a Ship Security Alert System providing minimum two alert buttons, which can be activated in case of piracy or terrorist attacks.The alarm is a covert signal, which will have no sound and noflashing lights, thus maintaining discretion and avoiding obvious detection by any intruders on board the ship.SSAS可以是附屬在原有的Inm-C.也可以是獨立的系統運作俗稱Mini-C 目前的LRIT系統也是比照上述方式在運作相關文件請參照 IMO /MSC/Circ.1072 26 Jun 2003 GUIDANCE ON PROVISION OF SHIP SECURITY ALERT SYSTEMS
2010-06-29 23:53 #
法規如下SOLAS Resolution XI-2/6
The SOLAS Resolution XI-2/6 states that vessels above 500 GT must carry a Ship Security Alert System providing minimum two alert buttons, which can be activated in case of piracy or terrorist attacks.The alarm is a covert signal, which will have no sound and no
flashing lights, thus maintaining discretion and avoiding obvious detection by any intruders on board the ship.
Patrick Star
2010-06-30 11:51 #
      [b] 0unlike like 0
2010-06-30 16:57 #
這套是ISPS遇險訊號專用, 內建船舶資料, 緊急時按下訊號發射按鈕, 會自動將船舶基本資料及船位透過衛星轉送至岸台, 岸台再將資料送至相關的緊急救難中心及船舶所屬公司, 然後就會有人來關切你了
2010-07-01 00:12 #


The following guidelines have developed by this Administration to assist owners in the installation and programming of the SSAS:

Programming: At a minimum the message should provided the ship's name, IMO Number, call sign, MMSI number, position, course and speed, date and time (UTC) of message. Additional information such as the name and contact phone number for the CSO maybe included if the SSAS is capable of such programming but is not required.

Competent Authority:
The competent authority for Liberia is the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Maritime Affairs, Attn: Director of Maritime Security. We will provide the contact procedures for alerts to the service providers upon request. Destination: For Liberian flag ships the alert shall be sent directly to both the company and the Administration.

Confirmation of alert authenticity: The CSO, upon receiving an alert, shall contact the Administration as soon as the alert is received to verify and confirm the alert.
The Administration will also attempt to contact the CSO upon receipt of an alert to confirm if it is a true alert.

Testing: During testing of the system, we recommend that the test message contains the words: 「TEST, TEST, TEST」 in order to identify it as such and avoid the need for additional communication between the CSO and the Administration.
Patrick Star
2010-07-01 18:12 #
  附蓋的紅按鈕 在下知道在何處,
綠殼船的不外乎都裝在那個「重要設備」的底下或底下櫃裡嘛 ~
如果是陽光船的話 就裝在每天日出日落都會動到的「那個軟東東」旁邊
總之就是不會輕易讓海盜或外人知道的location … …
在下現只有一疑惑不解。就是有沒有前輩待過的船,它的INM Mini-C 有主機、有螢幕、有鍵盤可以編輯一些資訊如船舶氣象報位系統等常態、非遇險或緊急的信文 供此系統作發送的功能呢? 
                學藝尚未完備 技術尚待熟練 … 一齊為被壓搾ㄉ薪資付出心力吧 ~
2010-07-01 22:38 #
Patrick Star
2010-07-02 12:02 #